My Most Popular Products

I’m thrilled to introduce you to my most popular products that have helped countless clients manifest their deepest desires. These offerings aren’t just favorites—they’re proven tools that have transformed desires into reality for so many satisfied customers.

popular products, micro rapid manifesting session

Micro Rapid Manifesting Session

You must experience my 30-Minute Micro Rapid Manifesting Session — a quick and super powerful boost to kickstart your manifesting journey.

popular products, 3-hr breakthrough coaching

3-Hour Breakthrough Coaching Session

My 3-Hour Breakthrough Session provides intensive and unparalleled personalized guidance to shatter your manifesting blocks to reveal your full potential.

popular products, money manifesting course

Money Manifesting On Demand Course

My Money Manifesting On Demand Course gives you the tools and techniques you never heard of to attract financial abundance.

Together, these offerings form a powerful force, designed specifically for your individual path and goals. They’re more than tools—they’re your personal guide to turning your aspirations into reality. Let’s work together to make those dreams a reality!

Carole Clarke, CEO, Leads that work!
United Kingdom
Thomas Mortimer, Top Management Executive, United Kingdom
Carrie Jones, CEO, Country Marketing,
United Kingdom

Want financial and business success, the love of your life, and a healthy body? You can have it all and it starts NOW. Simply choose the best solution to give you instant breakthroughs. Take the next step towards achieving your dreams – shop my latest products or schedule your first coaching session.

books and ebooks

Books & eBooks

A comprehensive collection of books & eBooks about manifesting and achieving fast results now. Learn more

jana green, manifesting, success coach

One-on-One Coaching

One-on-One coaching sessions to change your results in love relationships, business, and money. Learn more


Online Courses

A series of online courses to show you exactly how to quickly manifest the desires and goals you want. Learn more